Patrick Nabors is a photographer, macro photography instructor, owner of “” Macro Photography Studio Workshops, and owner of “,” a web store for captive bred tropical frogs, lizards and terrarium supplies.
Patrick picked up photography in the early days of digital, around 2007. As the owner of a business which marketed small expensive tropical frogs to eager hobbyists, learning to capture accurate and beautiful images of these frogs was one of the first technical hurdles he faced as a photographer. Experimentation with a variety of tools and methods for photographing these frogs provided a lot of experience in what worked and what doesn’t. Over the years, and with abundant help from other photographers, gear and techniques have emerged that have proven to be the most useful for capturing great images of these tiny creatures.
In the macro workshops he conducts, his techniques and experience are passed on. Using the power of studio flash, and other forms of flash, participants are able to capture beautiful images of small colorful subjects, in simple naturalistic sets, with amazing results!
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